Environment & SustainabilityMany Ottawa commuters use transit, walk or cycle to workTagsCompare CitiesEnergy/GHGsPhysical ActivityPublic ServicesTransportation
Environment & SustainabilityCommuting by car remains a significant environmental issue in OttawaTagsEnergy/GHGsPhysical ActivityTransportation
Environment & SustainabilityCycling, walking and vehicle ownership rates vary greatly across the CityTagsEnergy/GHGsNeighbourhoodsPhysical ActivityPublic ServicesRuralTransportation
Environment & SustainabilityVehicle ownership correlates strongly with incomeTagsEnergy/GHGsHouseholdsIncomeTransportation
Environment & SustainabilityHousehold consumption of water has declined continuously and significantly since 2007TagsCompare CitiesCost-of-livingEnergy/GHGsHouseholdsPublic ServicesPublic Spending
Environment & SustainabilitySome significant climate change trends are evident in OttawaTagsEcologyEnergy/GHGsHealth
Environment & SustainabilityCommunity Green House Gas Emissions have decreased by more than the short-term targets between 2012 and 2018TagsEnergy/GHGsPublic ServicesTransportation
Environment & SustainabilityThere is a large variation in the energy intensity of public-sector institutional buildingsTagsEnergy/GHGsHospitalsPublic ServicesPublic Spending
Environment & SustainabilityOttawa’s number of LEED-certified new constructions has been decreasing substantially in recent years. TagsCompare CitiesEnergy/GHGs
Environment & SustainabilitySolar capacity has grown significantly, but still meets only a small proportion of demandTagsEnergy/GHGsPublic Services
Basic Needs & Standard of LivingThe cost of food and other basic needs has risen sharplyTagsCost-of-livingEnergy/GHGsFoodHouseholdsHousingIncome