Fewer Ottawa residents smoke and more are physically active compared to the overall Canadian population
As a result of a 46% decrease in number of daily smokers in Ottawa since 2001, only 9.8% of residents over 12 were smokers in 2016. This compares to 12.4% for Canada.
Physical activity rates have increased by 13% since 2009/10, with 67% of Ottawa residents reporting that they are physically active during leisure time. On the downside, the proportion of Ottawa residents who eat fruits or vegetables more than 5 times a day has decreased by 13% in the last decade, and currently stands at 32.7%.
Physical activity is judged based on frequency, nature and duration of activity. The number used in the infographic includes those who are deemed to be active (example: walk an hour or jog 20 minutes a day) or moderately active (example: walk 30 to 60 minutes a day or take an hour-long exercise class three times a week).
Ottawa is a relatively physically active city
In Ottawa, males self-report as being more physically active than females in all age categories. Males report being more physically active between the ages of 18 and 34, while females report the highest rates of physical activity between ages 35 and 49. The largest discrepancy is seen in seniors, with 66% of males reporting that they are physically active, compared to 42% of females.
Compared to the rest of Canada and Ontario, Ottawa is much more physically active, with 67% of adults considered to be physically active, compared to 58% in Canada and Ontario. Of Canada’s largest six cities, the only city to have higher rates of physical activity than Ottawa is Vancouver, at 73%.
Physical activity is judged based on frequency, nature and duration of activity. The percentages shown in the graph include those who are deemed to be active (example: walk an hour or jog 20 minutes a day) or moderately active (example: walk 30 to 60 minutes a day or take an hour-long exercise class three times a week).
- Active Healthy Kids Canada. Report on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. 2013
- Ottawa Public Health. Ottawa Student Drug Use and Health (OSDUH) Report 2014
- Statistics Canada. CANSIM Table 105-0509
- The 2015 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Over a third of Ottawans are overweight
The lowest rates of self-reported overweight body mass index (BMI) for Ottawans is in young adulthood, while rates are highest between 50-64 years of age. There is a very slight decline at 65+ years. In Ottawa, a higher proportion of men are overweight compared to women. The rates are similar across the province and the country. The rates of self-reported overweight BMI are similar across Ottawa, Ontario and Canada.
- Statistics Canada. CANSIM Table 105-0509