Elementary and Secondary
A strong public school system, with well-trained and motivated teachers and relevant curricula, is essential to fulfill the potential of individuals and meet the needs of society. The system faces a challenging pace of change in relation to demographics, technology, theories of education and more. On average, Ottawa’s public school population performs relatively well on standardized provincial tests, though there is significant variation between schools.
Success Before and Beyond School Years
Low skill levels in reading, writing and math are major barriers to socio-economic well-being, and opportunities for improvement. Ottawa stands to experience relatively significant increases in adults with low literacy levels. Beyond the basics, life-long learning remains important both for employment conditions and quality of life.
While there are a range of reasons for pursuing further formal education beyond high school, the potential for better jobs and earnings remains a strong motivator. Although debt-loads for post-secondary education can impose significant challenges for graduates, growing numbers of jobs require a post-secondary diploma or degree.